The Presentation group of the KAUotic Hacking Club is responsible for organizing and scheduling speakers for the club’s meetings and events. They work to bring in both internal and external presenters to share their knowledge and experiences with the club’s members. The group is responsible for identifying potential speakers and reaching out to them to schedule a presentation, as well as promoting the event to the club members. They also help to coordinate and manage the logistics of the presentation, such as setting up any necessary equipment and ensuring that the presentation runs smoothly. Additionally, they may also provide support to the presenter, such as helping with rehearsals and preparing any handouts. They also announce the presenters and the topic they will be discussing and also arrange Q&A sessions with the speakers.
Anyone is welcome to present something, even topics not directly linked to hacking and security. In the past we have had presentations about: linux command line, git basics, wargame playthrough, Tor introduction, hacking MIDI-controllers, hacking Mifare-cards and penetration-testing of mobile apps. Other notable presentations in the past include people from Telia and Google talking about company resilience and incident response.